EDDIE Dunhill's comments regarding “new” inboard sheeting are a little astray especially in blaming the Mirror Committee in “allowing it”
—perhaps you can put him right.
Inboard sheeting, outboard sheeting, sheeting from the bows or the aft transom or anywhere else has always been allowed with the proviso that there is no alteration of position while sailing—this from Vic Shaw on behalf of Copyright Holders.
THE Mirror Weekend here has brought the correct crop of buoyancy checks! and I have had to get a number corrected before passing.
if a speedy and effective seal is required in the stowage area, owners are at a loss to know what to do where the faulty joint is wet. Sometimes badly leaking tanks present them with a big problem and youngsters’ parents can’t always afford the likes of me!
JUST a word to let you know that I have taken over from Lesley Scott (M10849) as Mirror Fleet Captain of Langstone Sailing Club. The fleet this year is expanding rapidly, and forms a large proportion of the boats in the Club (every other dinghy in the boat-park seems to be a Mirror!) —we now have 35, as a result of many new members joining this year.
MY husband, Chris Butler, and I, build the Achilles yachts. My husband does a lot of single-handed racing in our Achilles, and last year, one of the Achilles 24, plus our new model, the Achilles 9 Metre which Chris owns the prototype of, completed AZAB 75 which was a single-handed race to the Azores and back. This was by way of a qualifier for this year’s OSTAR ‘76, which is the Observer single-handed transatlantic race, run every four years. In OSTAR ‘76, the same Achilles 24 and our own 9 Metre Achilles helmed by Chris, both entered. The weather conditions were the worst ever known, and out of an entry of 126, more than 50% retired, and there were just over 60 official finishers.
THIS is just a note to congratulate you on the attractive MIRRORMANIA and to thank you for sending me a copy. This is a professional- looking book, which reflects the enthusiasm and expertise of a great many members. I hope the book has a big circulation, and does a lot to maintain the enthusiasm of existing owners, and bring in a lot of newcomers to this thriving class.